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The Art of Pablo T

Extrasensory Abstractionism

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Pablo T master of contemporary painting

"Inventor of extrasensory abstract art, of a new way of research in painting”

— Shimizu

Among the most important contemporary abstract artists

Pablo T

The Italian painter Pablo T is considered, today, one of the greatest living artists and among the most important contemporary abstract painters. Inventor and Founder of the pictorial movement called “Extrasensory Abstractionism”, his works have been hosted in the most prestigious Italian and international museums and art galleries.

He has dedicated monographs to his credit in Asia, Japan, the Middle East, Italy and Europe.


In 2024, the Volume d’Arte Psiche, published by L'editoriale Giorgio Mondadori, dedicates the publication to him: “Pensieri e ricerche che influenzano l’arte Contemporanea” (Thoughts and research that influence Contemporary art), a section where the research of great names in contemporary art such as David Hockney and Marco Lodola appear

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Artist's certified coefficient for Abstract artworks


Growth in value of Abstract Works Pablo T

Sacred Cycles

Christian Meditations

Within the third pictorial period, the current one, called "Christian Meditations" the two most important Sacred Cycles stand out: The Informal Via Crucis and The 7 words of Jesus on the Cross. The complete Collections are visible exclusively live, during national and international exhibitions that will be updated on the site, from time to time. Here some exclusive shots that portray the artist while working on the work "All is finished"

Event 2024 at the Sanctuary of San Giovanni Battista d'Andorno

Pablo T creates the seventh Word of the informal Sacred Cycle "The 7 words of Jesus on the Cross" inside the imposing Sanctuary, in Valle Cervo, at 1,020 meters above sea level. An extraordinary experience that combines art with sacredness. Thanks for the kind concession: the Curia of Biella, the Rector of the Sanctuary, the President of Santuari. Thanks for the active collaboration: the Mayor of Rosazza and the student and Artist Matteo Nebuloni. Photo Francesco Ferraro Tinin Studio.



130x100, Oil, Plaster, Acrylic and paints on canvas

Getsemani - Meditazioni sull'irreversibile 130x100, Olio, Gesso, Acrilico e vernici su tel

They write about Pablo T

Fox News, Nagoya Art, Tokyo Art, Dallas, Mondo e Finanza

Latest Awards

New Awards

Pablo T, Golden Lion award
2nd Leone d'Oro for Visual Arts
2023, Venice Biennale

April 23, 2023


Performances and Exhibitions
Coming up

Nara, Sendai, Osaka Contemporary Art project Wo 


September / October TBD

Le scenografie di Pablo T 
per la musica

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Pablo T master of abstract art

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